Village Upstairs
Published Competition Entry - 2017
Utopia - Ideasforward
Location : Urban Cities
Population explosion is one of the major difficulties affecting capital cities such as Mumbai, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, and Rio de Janeiro etc. of developing countries. Many of these cities provide employment opportunities which prove to be major source of income for these countries’ economic stability/status. The economic opportunities within these cities attract vast populations from the outskirts of the neighboring states. The result of this influx transforms the cities’ preexisting housing into poor dwelling conditions. Civilians planning on migrating to these cities should be equipped to live in atrocious circumstances. In some of these cities, clean water systems, proper drainage and sewage systems or even adequate space to accommodate a comfortable style of living might not be possible. Also, the dilemma of poor nutrition is another major factor migrants to these cities should brace themselves to possibly face. Fresh produce -or what is termed as organic nourishment- is soaring in prices and civilians must rely on processed foods to upkeep a comfortable style of living.
These major cities have turned into a dystopia as a result of overpopulation due to the desire for a more utopic lifestyle which may not be possible in outskirt cities. Hence, there is a need for a new system of sustainable communities which are self-sufficient and capable of providing better living conditions for residents. The design of these new vertical communities develops a symbiotic relation between man and the landscape developed and vice-versa. For many citizens, the ability to independently design their own (utopic) home may only be a dream. These vertical communities would give the urban population a chance to select, design, and modify their home in conjunction with the “natural” landscape through vertical farming.
These new communities can be developed above the existing structures or vacant plots of land. The natural resources -rain, sun, and wind- would be used for power production. Rain water harvest and biomass would be used for vertical farming. The vertical gardens and landscapes designed would help cut the cost of nutrition for the entire vertical housing community. This would give rise to a self-sustained community which could also be termed as an urban village where the hosing and economy is improved and sustainability depends on an “it takes a village” attitude. When citizens in these vertical housing communities are asked “where do you live”? Their response will proudly be “in the Village Upstairs”.