Micro Punctures
Master of Urban Design
Fall Term - University of Michigan
Location : Doan Brooke Watershed, Ohio
Team : Shreejit Modak, Saswati Das, Gaurav Sardana
Combining micro interventions within larger urban connections, MicroPunctures aim at facilitating the revelation of an urban waterway to the immediate neighborhood and eventually create place-making interventions ‘along’ and ‘across’ its length, ultimately weaving it within its place. Large urban connections include linking the lake trails, introducing bus lines and supporting infrastructures like bus shelters, bike racks, etc.
Micro punctures include physical and visual access to the Brook through ramps, decks, lookouts, rain gardens etc. Spreading the implementation of these cultural and ecological interventions over time, the identity of the Brook can be created and revealed as investments and interest in the site increases.
Revealing the water connection of Doan Brook through the Micro Punctures help in situating the Brook in larger context. By developing this specific area would create awareness for developing and protecting the Brook.
These design features open up the brook more visually as well as physically so that the interaction between the Brook and the civilians increase, thus making the Brook more accessible.