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Master of Urban Design

Spring Term - University of Michigan

Location : Mexico City

Mexico City is made of many enclaves and some of them could also be called as the smaller cities in the larger context. These enclaves are predominated by specific types which then creates typologies establishing the urban fabric of the City. This study of types and typologies was to produce a catalog of frequent and recurrent building types and urban elements observed.


This catalog consisted of housing types, civic and commercial buildings, street furniture, kiosks and all other uniquely urban categorized masses. Later in the study, the types were compared taking scales, areas and income into consideration. Taking those further, using those elements, a 400’x400’ block was developed. This block was to be designed in order to see the new aggregation of types together in a block. 


One had to interrogate formal, spatial, material and organizational cues that would prompt new spatial relationships between the constituent elements. This study was created in figure ground as well as in perspective. Figure ground was used to see the organizational patterns and relationships between the elements used. Perspective gave a view of actual usable spaces meant for different occasions and uses.

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